Wow! It's been so long since my last post. Our time here in Corpus Christi is really going fast. Before we know it, it's going to be time to pack our things (for the 8th time), say goodbye to the Navy, and head home to Michigan. Ryan is getting ready to take the LSAT in a few short weeks. It's been hard to find time for him to study between the kids and the flying. Thank goodness he's smart!
We are getting pretty deep into the adoption process, and things are going smoothly at this point. It's looking like we might end up with a Hispanic child. We should have guessed it considering we are only a few short hours from the Mexican border. Many Mexican women will sneak across the border to give birth...hence the abundance of Mexican babies available for adoption. We are still thinking we would like an 18 month old little boy. It's so exciting!
I've been taking lots of pictures lately! I'm learning more and more about layers in Photoshop. Here's one of my latest creations for the life book I'm making for our new little boy.